Friday, May 23, 2008

Photo Analysis : Final Thoughts Before Summer

From all of the students in our Photo Class:Assessments of vision and meaning :

Kaesha Solorzano

The Four U.S. Marines and one naval man are at Iwo Jima rising the American Flag on February 23, 1945 during World War II. This photo has been in my life forever. My uncle is a former U.S. Marine and I understand the feeling that the Marines have towards this photograph. Even the Film, Flags of our Fathers, is one of my favorite film. I see this photograph everyday when I get home. 

Nicole Hope Chavez

The Hotel de Ville in paris in 1950 in the setting for the photograph. Doisneau used models to capture the image. I really like it because its a pretty photo and its really cute and it expresses the art of love and it expresses many feelings and its very romantic. I also like the fact that it is black and white and the simplicity of each others love. It reminds me of myself and my significant other. I love it.

Crystal Ivy Chanel

Who: Extreme feminists in opposition of any contraptions that supposedly made them women.
What: a demonstration of protest against something the feminists believed to be unjust.
When: Allegedly during the late 1960's , women were inspired by the 1968 Miss America Pageant to start this protest.
Although the inmensity of the supposed bra burning era was strictly a rumor. The fact that it even made it to become rumor was inspirational.

Adriana Field

My picture is of two people kissing in France. Its is a very crowded area area and they they dont notice anyone else because they are so in love. I think that France is the most romantic place and their adding to the citys romance. I really like pictures because in todays world we need to be reminded of things like love and happiness. Everyone wishes that they could find a love that would make you stop in the middle of the street just to kiss your love. Love like these two are like the love they write about in fairy tales. This picture gives me hope that one day i will find it.

Crystal Cruz

The picture that I choose is a picture from the philippines of a special event, where they do the stations of the cross. Some people actually get beat and whipped just like Jesus had and some has actually nailed them selves to the cross. This event makes a huge impact in my life because it shows me how much people would actually go through to just experience the same pain as Jesus did. In some way this picture brings me closer to my faith and belief of Jesus. I really like this photo a lot because it just inspires me to do better not only in my work but in life to.

Janelle Giron

The picture i chose is one taken when the Rodney King riots were taking place. There are two men laying on the floor while one police officer is putting handcuffs on them while the other is pointing a gun to their heads. Even if someone who is looking at the picture does not remember the event or if they did not know if it, it is possible to feel all the commotion that was going on. There were so many people out on the streets that broke out into violence. I was only two at the time this took place but i somewhat remember this and i also have seen pictures that my father had taken. His business was located somewhere in downtown Los Angeles and the building was completely destroyed. The windows were shattered and there were items that were stolen. They actually had to relocate because the damage was too much. I remember how frightened my parents were.

Dianne Evangelista

A historic photograph of four soldiers in the fontline, and twoothers in the backtrying to raise a flag in a war zone up the mountain. it was during world war 2 in the 1940's at Iwo Jima, Japan. this photgraph is considered to be one famous photos in history which shows how the united states fought really hard to win against japan's forces. this photograph also made me feel das since it's a memory of a lot of people died during that time risking their lives to protect the U.S., and how the flag was beautifully raised and a sense of hope and freedom. the united states will not back down whenever there is a threat.

Julianne Ipapo

My historic photo was taken in the midst of the tradgic September 11th attack. Three firefighters are raising a flag in the middle of all the rubble and destruction. This photo is meant to be a symbol of hope. This picture gave me mixed emotions. Initially I was struck with sadness because of the massive mess in the background. The raised flag on the other hand gave me a sense of joy because I saw it as an uplifting sign.

Alexandra Uribe

A war zone of terror and attack, Millions killed, a wipe out of practically a whole nation. The aftermath, what is left? This photograph depicts the misery of those in Rwanda facing such a hard time during the time of genocide. It was a very emotional and fearful time the lives of others were endangered. The emotion this photograph conveys is astonishing, it is a heartfelt photograph where you can truly feel the emotions of the mother, her baby and her surroundings: pain, agony, and fear. My thoughts about this photograph are enraged, sorrow, gulit. I wish our nation could have done something to help the lives of these innocent people.

Martha Hernandez

What I got from this photograph is that it puts me to think that there are many children out there that die for some reason, some of them now in days are from too much gang violence and fights in the streets and somethimes there are even shootings that end up with inocient lives and that really put me to think, how sad it is. no child would wish to die especially when they are barely starting they're life, and there are evil people that make they're time end..Other examples are when theres parents that hit they're children and sometimes kill them to death.. with all of this you might have an idea of how i feel about childrens deaths.. and how they feel by comming back.

Cristen Fletcher

This photo is not only beautiful but meaningful. This is the spot where many victims of Hansen's Disease were taken away from their homes and put on this island. Father Damien de Veuster went to the island and dedicated his life to ministering the victims of leprosy. It touches me to know that someone was willing to give up his life to help others and that a cure was finally found in 1946.

Janet Pimentel

This picture makes me feel very happy because the little boy is proposing to his young girlfriend. They are still kids but they feel and know that they love each other. I feel that he really loves her and cares for her. This picture was probably taken by his or her parents outside their house. They both look happy and loving towards each other. I would set a continuing picture or photograph the setup would be a married couple with a baby in her arms and still showing their love and care for each other.

Victoria Montano

This picture titled "Face off during the Oka Crisis" spoke to me because it shows how tough the guy is who is being yelled at. This takes place in Canada on March 11,1990. The people in this picture are military personnel and it reminds me of my mother because she went into the military right out of high school. When I look at this picture I picture in my mind my mom getting yelled at by a higher authority figure because when you first get into the army you are a private. So right out of high school my mom was Private Vargas. This photo was taken because the Oka Crisis was a land dispute between the Mohawk nation and the town of Oka, Quebec that bagan on March 1990, and laste3d until September , 1990. It resulted in three deaths, and would be the first of a number of violent conflicts between Indigenous people and the Canadian Government in the late 20th century.

Emmalee Fowler

The photo I chose is of a band called Queen. This photo, known as "Live Killers" appeared on their album "Live Killers." It was taken at the end of a show when the whole band came out to the front of the stage. The lights behind them were dubbed "The Pizza Oven" or the "Alien Encounter" as the innovative light boards would move around while the band was performing. The photo was taken between January and March of 1979, when they were on their "Jazz" tour. This photo is especially stunning to me because, like any other photo or event, it can never happen again. The lead singer, Freddie Mercury, past away in 1991. After his death the band decided that no one could ever replace him and they broke up. No one will ever be able to see the real Queen live ever again.

Marissa Jaobundit

The photo I chose is of a rat pouring green toxic waste out of a container. This graffitti art was done by an English graffitti artist named Bansky. He's one my favorite artists because his kind of art is very simple, yet the process of how he presents his works are very unique like in the streets, onabandoned walls, billboards...etc. This photo/artwork has no historical background, but its one my favorites because it inspires me to do any kind of expression and call it art whether its simple or extravagant. Also because i enjoy urban/street art. The photographer of this photo is unknown, and the message behind it is usually of anti-war, anti-capitalism, and.or anti-establishment.

Susana Bojorquez

My photo is of the band. The White Stripes. It was photographed by world famous, photographer Annie Leibovitz in 2003 in New York City. I really like this photo because I really like the White Stripes and they're one of my favorite bands. I like the colors in the photo-- red, white, and black, which are the trademark colors of the band. I also like the quirkiness of the photo and I think Jack White, the lead singer, looks really pretty.

Kayleigh Setoda

The picture is of camels and their shadows walking through the desert. It is a picture taken for the National Geographic. When you first look at it you think that the shadows are the camels, but when you start looking at it closer you realize that the photo is taken from above. The sun made it where the shadows are on the left of the camels. The shadows are bigger than the actual camels. It is very amazing how the shadows cast a bigger picture then what the real size is. It makes me feel like nothing is what it seems and everything has a deeper meaning. It reminds me of myself because when you first look at me I seem like the regular geek but then when you get to know me I am both geek and actor. I am outgoing and loud.

Vanessa Panek

Who: a couple holding handsWhat: people are holding hands at the beachWhere: the beachWhy: This couple is in love and are embracing eachother with just a single holding of hands.This photograph makes me feel touched. It gives me hope that everyone will have someone in the end. It shows that no matter what, someone cares about you and loves you, even during the darkest of times.

Lorraine Luciano

On april 8, 1521 Ferdinand Magellan arrived in Cebu and discovered the island for theEuropeans thus opening a route that would be followed by sea traders until today. Magellan planted a cross in the island that would become CEbu's most famous landmark. This photo is from a church in the Phillipines and tells us how much filipinos are dedicated to go to church every sunday. It also shows that we love Jesus.

Karina Morales

In this photograph, we see a child staring out a window. I would assume it is a child working in some type of factory. By the looks of it, this photograph was probably taken in the late 1800s, early 1900s. This was a time in which child labor was quite common. Factory owners would use children for lesser pay. Child labor is now illegal, but there are still many countries, including the Unite States, in which child labor is still going on. Knowing that this country has the resources to stop all this illegal child labor is ridiculous. Children should not be working at such a young age. Instead of the U.S fighting a pointless war, they should be helping their own country, especially the children. At this point, children are our future and if the U.S doesn’t do anything to stop child labor in sweat shops and what not, then child labor will exist even in the most democratic country.Photographer: Lewis W. Hine. He was a teacher and later became an investigative photographer for the National Child Labor Committee.In 1909, he published many photo essays in which sorrow is shown in these children. The young girl in the mill glimpsing out the window, is one of his most famous photographs.

Gigi Garcia

The picture i chose was a picture of a woman laying and crying on agrave. you find out that it is her fiances grave. the photographers name was John Moore. he won the phto NPPA photojournalist competiotion's photojournalist of the year (larger market) this year. the photo ws taken at arlington cemetary. i have no idea when it was taken but my best bet it was on the anniversery of his death it makes me feel sad because when i look at pictures like that it just breaks my heart to see someone cry over someone who they were about to marry is dead. it also angers me because they are fighting the war and cant be happy and it also makes me happy because she really loves him. and still has love for him even after he died.

abigail garcia

the picture i chose was that of the black girl walking into the university for the first time since it was segregated. you could see in the background the angry and evil look in the faces of the others students protesting her arrival. it took lots of courage for her to arrive and go through that day. i admire her strength and how she went knowing that she was going to be ridiculed.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Topic for Cinco de Mayo

Here's today’s topic : Why do you think Women in the Arts are relegated to supportive roles, or roles in group settings, or are relegated to renegade roles, alone, out there somewhere, pioneering without much help from the arts community or from society ?
Do you think these are valid questions ?
Can you think of any women who have been marginalized thusly, and what were some of the results ? Suicide, loss of family, loss of job, mental breakdown, or the abandonment of the artistic pursuit ? Have you ever felt marginalized as a woman, especially as a woman artist ? Let me know what you think. All the best, Linda Ravenswood

Friday, May 2, 2008

Weekend Homework 2nd May 2008

What is going on in this photograph ?

Who are these people ?

When is this supposed to have taken place ?

Where is this happening ?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Write about this photograph

We talked about the life and times of the photojournalist and how new technology helped to shape the ways in which people experience war, turbulent times, political unrest and government oppression and the means by which people will strive to change their situations. Who is the man in the photograph ? Where is he from ? What is going on ? Why ?

So, now you have a camera

Photograph for discussion :

Talk about this photograph. How does it make you feel ? Do you know any of the truth behind it ? What stories, heard, seen, read about or imagined come to you ?

Please give your thoughts.

What is this ?

Day Two of our new discussion board ...

What is going on in this photo ? Ever seen it before ? Who cares ? Do you ? What do you believe ?
Talk about what you think, feel or know about this image.

All the best,

Linda Ravenswood