Monday, May 5, 2008

Topic for Cinco de Mayo

Here's today’s topic : Why do you think Women in the Arts are relegated to supportive roles, or roles in group settings, or are relegated to renegade roles, alone, out there somewhere, pioneering without much help from the arts community or from society ?
Do you think these are valid questions ?
Can you think of any women who have been marginalized thusly, and what were some of the results ? Suicide, loss of family, loss of job, mental breakdown, or the abandonment of the artistic pursuit ? Have you ever felt marginalized as a woman, especially as a woman artist ? Let me know what you think. All the best, Linda Ravenswood


Anonymous said...

well women where first seen as second to third class citizens and women are not ususally recognized in the art world or any world. Women can only suppport one another. both men and women experience an event that is very positive or negative in their life. That is their inspiration.

Anonymous said...

First of all, in society women were inferior and it was rare that any wanted to go into the art world. Therefore, they did not get any support and acknowledgment that they deserved.

Unknown said...

maybe women were relegated because no one (men) really thought they could do anything except cook, clean, and please their husband. i think that back then, it was really rare to discover a women who was excelling in the arts and is fighting for their right to express their creativity. but eventually, women were slowly being discovered and recognized which starting this entirely new feminist movement in which women gather together to fight for their right be as equal to men.

Emmalee Fowler said...

I believe women in the arts are relegated to supported roles, or to roles in group settings, or those releated to renegade roles, pioneering without much help from the arts communty or from society because recently, women have found their independence. Starting mainly in the 20s (for America at least), women began to break away from the roles they were "tied" to and began to become more independant. While alone, ideas are not polluted by others, making the one person's idea purly their own (for good or bad). These are valid questions because without asking them we would not know where our society stands today. Some of the photographers we have learned about have been treated in this way. I really haven't felt marginalized as a women artist because I feel that if someone likes my work, they like my work and if they don't like my work they don't.