Thursday, May 1, 2008

What is this ?

Day Two of our new discussion board ...

What is going on in this photo ? Ever seen it before ? Who cares ? Do you ? What do you believe ?
Talk about what you think, feel or know about this image.

All the best,

Linda Ravenswood


susana said...

I think it looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

I think this photograph looks too photoshop. It seems more like a joke since it looks too photoshop

Unknown said...

i feel sorry for the guy thats going to get shot. it also look pohtoshopped.

Anonymous said...

This picture deals with oppression. It envokes sympathy towards the man with the gun. It also reminds me of how criminals are above the law/are the law and can do whatever they want. It almost seems like the person in the front with the gun is cut and pasted because he seems very in the present while the rest is in the past.

Lorraine said...

i think it looks cool but it looks scary at the same time.

Anonymous said...

this photo to me seems as a picture of someone is being racist. just like how the nazis started to kill all the jews for no reason. the man looks as if he is going to kill the man just for fun because the soilder in the background is sort of laughing. it reminds of the history of back in the days because the picture is in black and white but at the same time the picture dosent seem realistic. It looks like someone edited the picture.

Anonymous said...

the face looks photoshopped but the picture looks real because the agony in the man's face looks realistic

torie said...

a man is holding a gun up to another man. the man with the gun looks like he wants to get something or have something done. the other man looks like he is about to pee in his pants because he is going to get shot. he could be hiding something and does not want to tell where that something is or he could be just an innocent by stander.

Unknown said...

The man with the gun doesnt even look real and neither does the backround. I think this picture was made to show hate and opression

Anonymous said...

In the photograph, the man that is about to get shot looks afraid. His life probably flashed before his eyes. He has this pleading look; probably wondering what he did wrong. He doesnt want to be killed, but has no alternative.
Having done nothing wrong, he is about to die.

Unknown said...

it looks like the guy from the matrix. [the guy doing the shooting]

CrystalIvyChanel said...

In my opinion this photo could be attempting to portray some sort of "ethnic cleansing". Because of the subject matter and range of this photo however, I think this was a staged photo.

Emmalee Fowler said...

In this photograph there seems to be a situation where an army has come in and taken out prisoners. Unfortunately, the photograph seems to be photoshopped (The man with the gun's head does not fit with the color of the photo and does not seem to fit on the body correctly. Also, the gun itself looks a bit photoshopped to me). Therefore the whole picture cannot be determined. Either way the pipcture is sad and gives off a feeling of dread.

NicoleHope said...

this photo is very depressing. when look at this image it brings sarrow to my heart. the emotion and pain that is borught to the photo is very strong. i was able to conect with the photographer through the image.

geegeee said...

what i think is going on the photo is that their is some sort of war going on because in the back their is a guy in army uniform but it he is being blocked by the guy with the gun. the guy maybe wants to shoot him because he is a hostage or something. when i see this image it makes me mad because why someone want to shoot a helpless person. i know that this image is wrong.

panek said...

In this photo,a man is holding a gun to the other man's head. It looks like he is taking away all of the other man's hope and dignity. This photograph makes me feel upset and sympathetic for the man who has to go through all this torture.

uribe said...

the emotion felt in this photograph is evident u can literally see and feel what their feeling.

dianne said...

in this photograph it looks like the man is about to get shot. i've seen photos that looks similar to this photograph. i feel sad that the guy is about to die and someone is taking a picture of it.

Cristen said...

this photo is very emotional and seems very painful... both men look very oppressed by I am guessing the soldier in the background...

Julianne said...

this photo is really intense. i could see the fear in his face and because of that i emphatize as a viewer.

janehtt said...

the mann in thiss photo looks very scared because hes about to be killed by some other guy. i woulndt like to be in this situation.

Are Sannes said...

Well... Everyone keeps saying this looks photoshopped. But we taught about it in class not long ago. This is a real picture, it's an execution and this is the last moment of the guy to the right. I think the photo is very good because it has balance and it shows a scene from the world that we live in. In the past, though...